Exhale Therapy
Breathe, you are here
(412) 353-3459
Frequently Asked Questions
Your Questions Answered
Below you’ll find answers to some of the more common questions we've received. Read on to learn more about our services and more. If you feel like you didn’t find the answer you were looking for, feel free to contact us for more information. It's important to know the logistics of services before you start your journey.
Is what I say in counseling confidential?
Exhale Therapy professional's uphold the highest degree of legal and ethical guidelines of the American Psychological Association and the state of Pennsylvania. This means that information about your counseling sessions is not shared with anyone without your expressed written permission. There are some exceptions to confidentiality, however. If there is the possibility of harm to you or another person, or in cases of child or elder abuse, Exhale staff are mandated to report certain information to the appropriate authorities. Please ask your therapist for more information about confidentiality.
Clients that are 14 years old and above all share in the same HIPPA rights.
Do you accept insurance? How does insurance work?
Yes, we do accept insurance and self-pay. To determine if you have behavioral health coverage, the first thing you should do is check with your insurance carrier. Check your coverage carefully and find the answers to the following questions:
What are my mental/behavioral health benefits?
Is Exhale Therapy an in-network provider?
How many therapy sessions does my plan cover?
How much is my co-pay/co-insurance payment for each appointment?
If out-of-network, How much does my insurance pay for an out-of-network provider?
What if I don’t have insurance or don’t want to use it?
For a variety of different reasons, occasionally clients do not have health insurance coverage or wish to not use their benefits to cover our treatment. Some of these reasons include:
High deductibles
Privacy concerns
No mental health plan coverage
Lapse in medical coverage
Regardless of the reason, we have options! We have insurance based therapists as well as self-pay. This means, that whether you have insurance or not, we can work with you. Appointment pricing is on a sliding scale that is custom fit for each self-paying client based on a variety of factors.​​
What is Tele-Counseling?
Tele-counseling enables any client with a phone, computer or tablet to participate in quality counseling services. Tele-Counseling can be conducted in the following ways:
Skype or other video chat
iMessage/Text messaging
Phone calls
*Clients participating in this form of counseling/therapy must understand that they are responsible for wifi/phone services that are secure to ensure their privacy is being protected.
What if I have an insurance change during services?
Once enrolled in counseling at Exhale, your counselor is your direct point of contact. During services if you have any changes, notify your counselor and they will manage updating your information.
What if I don't feel connected to my Counselor?
Connection and safety with your counselor are primary. If you don't believe your counselor if a good fit for you, tell them. At Exhale, we believe strongly in the therapeutic alliance and do not personalize the request to be scheduled with a different counselor. If we cannot schedule you with another counselor, we will provide you with additional referral options to meet your needs.